Thursday, November 25, 2010


Well, time is just flying by.  Thanksgiving today. I'll blink and it will be Christmas tomorrow.  I've been working on a few custom orders.  Some new jewelry.  Trying to get my present and card list in order.  I've only got one present so far.  Debating on the big black friday rush, but I don't need a flat screen tv, or mass amounts of DVDs, and I would LOVE to get myself a new laptop, but I would imagine people who want those are already in line.  Which means, I am already too late for something like that.  So, I don't know if black friday is something I will be participating in.

So far this season, southern Michigan has had a pretty mild November.  It doesn't feel like Christmas time to me at all.  Makes it hard for me to get in the mood for it all.  Snow might help, but then that means snow.  Which means boots, shovels, heavy jackets, cleaning cars off.... ETC.  Don't know if that is what I really want after all.

I planned on being ready for it.  I meant to have my cards done, and most if not all, of my presents collected.  Not necessarily wrapped, but ready to be.  I right back in the same situation as usual.  Scrambling to get things done.  So, I am going to try like crazy to get it together in the next few days.  Play some catch up.  Or at the very least, get my custom orders done so someone else can have a nice holiday and not be scrambling.

OH!  I almost forgot to say what I am thankful for... I'm thankful for many things.  My sweetheart, my friends, my health, my family, my animals, my life.  There is more, but it would take forever to write it all out.  So, to all of you out there celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving.

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